HURRY UP! -> |Eune 30 lv ACC |+nice skins + legendary udyr & almost 100 champs

02/01/2016 11:17 paybackseven#1
The Account right now is unranked but the previous season it was Gold IV. (CHECK THE INFO BEOW)

-Spirit Guard Udyr (Legendary)
-Muay Thai Lee Sin, Pool party Lee Sin
-Dragonslayer Vayne
-Bligewater Swayne
-Nighthunter Rengar
-Reaper Soraka
-Championship Thresh
-Artic Warefare Caitlyn
-Superfan Gragas
-Gray Warwick
-Medieval Twitch


Almost 100 champs:

Most expensive champions: Vi,Fiora,Gnar,Lucian,Rengar,Darius,Elise,Draven,He carim,Jayce,Jinx,Khazix,Thresh,Zed,Yasuo,Ziggs and a lot more nice champs

Rune pages 7
Rune Types:

Quints: Lifesteal ,ATSPEED,AD,AP,MovementSpeed,Armor
Marks: Armor. Penetr,Magic penetr,
Glyphs: Magic resist,CD runes
Seals: Hp ,Armor

If you are interested in buying it contact me on this site or skype: elrey7ace