Clockworks Quit: Unbound Fairy+20 / Perins & More

01/31/2016 08:33 RisingAssist#1
[EN]: Hey, I would like to sell my stuff on Clockworks (EU) Server, only accepted payment Paysafecard and Amazon Cards !

[DE]: Hey, ich möchte meinen Kram auf dem Clockworks (EU) Server verkaufen, ich akzeptiere nur Paysafecard und Amazon Karten !


- Unbound Fairy +20/20/20/20/20 (A/W 300€)
- 22x Perin (40ct each) (More to come)
- Slayer / Billposter Accounts (30€ ea)
02/01/2016 13:38 Kolorabi#2
I'll get the fairy and perins, add my skype: yarin.personal