[EUW] Gold V With Rare Skins!

12/21/2015 17:09 phytas#1
Selling my main, it comes with the original e-mail

Elo: Gold V

Skins: PM me for elophant link, i can already say there are skins such as Dragon blade riven!

Champs: 92 owned, what i dont own: Tham kench, ekko, bard, velkoz, zac, thresh, vi, nami, khazix, rengar, zyra, draven, nautilus, ziggs, volibear, skarner, wukong, leona,brand, leesin, nocturne, jarvan, trundle, urgot, malzahar, kennen, mordekaiser, fiddlesticks,zilean, alistar, twitch,gangplank, taric, sona,karthus,galio

runepages: 6, has almost all runes except the barely used ones such as mana regen marks.

Icons: snowball, skiporo, gold icon, zombie brand, pickem pro(1), bangkok titans 2015, koo tigers 2015, origin 2015, project yi, twistedfate icons, poolparty zac, baron, omega teemo, ziggs, heartseeker annie, good sportmanship, fizz, chinese newyear icons, cloud 9 2015, bloodmoon kali, poro king skins, ghost poro, battlecast, halloween 2014, worlds 2014, debonair, cupcake. tsm 2014, skt 2014.

Post here if interested or pm me!