Q 4Story VAC?

12/06/2009 18:21 Maulkin#1
Is it possible to make a VAC for 4story? or does one already exist?
12/06/2009 19:08 LittleJake#2
what do you mean with vac?
12/06/2009 19:27 Maulkin#3
A Vaccum to pull all monsters into one area. And then prevent them from roaming around so you have an easy time with AoE :P
12/06/2009 19:33 LittleJake#4
do you mean ALL monsters of 4story? it doesn't exist now, but i even don't know if it's possible
12/06/2009 19:36 Maulkin#5
no just in an area your in, like in the second battle it's basically a dungeon with just you in. I remember on some other games you could use a VAC to pull all monsters in the dung to one spot then AoE them for huge xp.
12/06/2009 20:30 LittleJake#6
no there isn't any vac for 4story
12/07/2009 14:47 EXEZZ#7
mm... im saaaad.. i rly need hack on 4story =(
12/07/2009 16:49 !Sense!#8
des gibts omg
12/07/2009 17:22 LittleJake#9
na dann poste