Selling GOA and COL2

11/08/2015 16:46 HelloThere.#1
Heyyo, im selling my Lovely Accounts cause i got no Time for CA anymore... too much to do IRL, but whatever.

GOA with more than 400% : A lot of Perm Weapons, Speed Eq Perm, Max Set Perm, g18 Chrome 70d+.

COL2 : Great Weapons permanent either, one of it is the G36e Autumn, Speed Eq Perm, Name Color Perm and more..

if you´re interested then just write down here or Send me a request in skype : priiome

I will give screens in skype:mofo:
11/08/2015 18:23 MɅØR™#2
GOA how much ? COL 2 how much? pm me prices!
11/08/2015 18:43 HelloThere.#3
Add me in skype and watch the Screens and then tell me your Offer :)
11/08/2015 21:45 deREKT#4
OMM used?
Do you have ID card of the account?
Any nx tickets?
Reports? Previous bans?

I can offer about 70 euros on COL and 100 on GOA.
11/09/2015 20:37 HelloThere.#5
We can use a Middleman for sure.

No Reports, No Banns