League Stream Overlays

10/28/2015 04:18 Nerd Academy#1
Hey here! (:

I hope I'm posting this in the right section. :b
I've worked together with a few Leaguestreamers in the past couple of month working out streamoverlays for them. ATM there is one design left wich isn't used anywhere because the customer decided to go with another design we did. It's a really simple one, but i hope someone here will like it. If you are interested please contact me via PM or in this thread.
Aswell if you want me to do a custom overlay for you just write me a pm (or ofc just reply here) and we will look, what i can do for you.

Preview of the overlay:

best regards
10/30/2015 14:20 Nerd Academy#2
hey. i just scrolled trough.
and this is crazy.
but there's no reply.
so bump me maybe.