Current hidden OPs?

10/19/2015 19:32 Dinter#1
And opinions about Tahm jungle?
10/20/2015 15:01 smurffarm#2
It's pretty good. I saw nb3 doing it once, and he basicly rekt hard.
10/20/2015 15:47 Jan'#3
10/20/2015 15:48 mininger#4
tahm kench jungle/top/support/mid/adc works pretty good

but also kindred jungle/top/adc/mid
10/22/2015 15:46 smurffarm#5
tahm kench anywhere works pretty good haha.
10/22/2015 22:16 420 place it#6
Rammus, his taunt fucks up fiora, darius etc.
10/23/2015 11:13 X E N O X#7
Tahm top/jung is the best.
10/23/2015 12:04 Chris#8
Originally Posted by Dinter View Post
And opinions about Tahm jungle?
Pretty strong Champion at the moment.
Especially in SoloQ!
10/23/2015 15:17 Dinter#9
Wow, you all say Tahm jungle is pretty strong, my experience is whole different. :\ The trouble starts at getting the 2nd buff.

But, maybe it's beacuse I don't have the specific runes.
10/23/2015 15:53 GinChilla#10
Hecarim jungle is my secret :> In highelo sometimes he is instabanned.
I love to play him but he need so much mana so rush trinity or frozen heart and yeah u can gank like hey im there u dead im on the next lane lol to fast :D
10/23/2015 16:03 ANBEEFER#11
tahm is way better as support
10/23/2015 22:53 KamenRiderBanana#12
With Mundo's recent buff, Mundo Jungle is quite good.