[Recruit]~[Mabinogi Online Emulation]~!

12/24/2009 23:43 VagrantWind#16
Very interesting project indeed, and I'd love to help too...but my C++ skills are very rusty (fossilized even).
Though, I do have some experience in making/helping make private servers, NPCs and database, I also have a private server of a certain MMO that I use for testing purposes too.
But yeah, can't really help with the programming...

I'll be supporting you though, so keep at it! :D
12/25/2009 01:09 Cloudsdabomb#17
i have programed in CPP before! i'm not the best and am willing to learn if i can be of any help please pm.
09/03/2010 12:06 kentkentle#18
how do i dowload this game or somethig

i dont know how to dowload this game
09/03/2010 12:36 FriedTaco#19
..... Please read the date AND posts before you make your own post. This was a failed attempt at making a public Mabi private server, so there's obviously no download.
09/03/2010 18:17 shadowsforu#20
This would actually be something I'd be interested in helping develop.

I would love to have an "offline" version of Mabinogi.

It'd be a blessing when doing field bosses, and exploration. No more party ad spam, no more bots; just you, and the monster server.
09/03/2010 18:27 Zanphlos#21
nice necro bro
09/03/2010 18:34 Wild23#22
He wasn't the first to necro post today. Anyway, I request that this thread be locked becuase the OP hasn't posted in /forever/ and, the server mentioned here has obviously not worked correctly/the people making it decided they wanted it private/they gave up on it. So..
/Request lock o.o
09/03/2010 20:49 pawntobishop#23