Selling Lvl 71 Account + Full prem OS/GUN

09/23/2015 11:18 skyline.maria#1
I'm selling a Lvl 71 Account (80 %)

Weapon :
Code Deleter fp
Taichi Twin Blade fp
Death Scythe of Skeleton fp
Bloody Spy Dagger fp
Crash Storm Bat fp
Crow Counter Sword fp (TD +3)
Taser Sword fp
Piranha Assault fp
Bubble Homing fp
Classic Burst shotgun x2 fp
DHa-41 subs fp
Aya Rifle fp
Shark subs fp
Laser Cat fp
Gold Revo x2 fp
Burst mk2 fp
Puppy fp
Toy Gun fp
Dragonade fp
Signal Rail fp
Magic cube fp
Mk2 reccue +8
Skills : 30 Hp x2 , sasauge bind, anch

Sets M :
Backstreet x2
Jazz up set ( summer event stats !)
Halloween set ( event stats !)
Frock set ( pen caps)
Master ( lvl 36 )
Hair : Idol blonde +7, Fumbi striker Hair +11 and Master
Face : Bandana Style and Master
Female :
Master ( lvl 36)
Boxing Girl set fp but only Hair, shirt and gloves
Sexy diamond ( summer event stats!)
Pirate costume F pants fp
Bunny girl band +6

Pets : Gemini fp, Punk Rabbit fp, space rabbit fp, ophelia virus (chaser pet) Gemini and white rabbit without stats

Skype : skyline.maria
Price : make an offer.