CS Riven PAX Sivir CS Thresh Diamond

09/15/2015 18:24 david.gabor52#1
Hello, I have decided that I want to sell my League account, since I started playing WoW and I enjoy that a lot more.

Season 4 - plat Season 3 - gold Season2 - bronze , currently Diamond 4 with 70% win rate.
2100 normal wins, I'm the original owner, it's on EUNE.

I have 96 champions , 80 skins and 20 rune pages with almost every single rune, and 39.000 IP.

My account has some extremely rare skins like the Championship Riven
, Pax Sivir, Championship Thresh, RIOT Graves...

The other skins including several seasonal and legacy skins:red baron corki, victorious elise, pulsefire ezreal, mighty jax, kitty cat katarina , aether wing kayle, infernal nasus, bewitching nidalee, haunting nocturne, tpa orianna , underworld twisted fate , kingpin twitch , Red card Kata, profesor Ryze, skt vayne , skt zed , foxfire ahri, midnight ahri , reverse annie arctic warfare caitlyn, lord darius, dark valkyrie diana, soul reaver driven, victorious elise nottingham ezreal, sailor gangplank , dread knight garen, infiltrator irelia , debonair jayce, high command katarina, mechs khazix wicked leblanc, sorceress lux , lord mordekaiser , bloodfury renekton , asylum shack, rocket girl tristana, sultan tryndamere, blight crystal varus, dragons layer vayne , aristocrat vayne, ceva warwick, warring kingdoms sin zhao, mad scientist ziggs , arcade miss fortune , warring kingdoms nida, firecracker jinx, Final Boss Veigar.

Also have many summoner icons.

If you want to see any of the skins/ or the account add my Skype : david.gabor52

Im only interested in money or WoW TCG loot / Gold on EU realms. Would instantly trade it for a Spectral tiger on any EU Realm.

We can use a middleman if you want.
09/16/2015 19:13 david.gabor52#2


09/20/2015 13:27 KrystalPrime#3
How much?
09/20/2015 14:09 david.gabor52#4
150 euro
09/20/2015 14:16 BattleCreed 3#5
do you own the reg mail?
09/20/2015 15:13 david.gabor52#6
The account was created on a non-existing email address , but it is on a regular one since 2013, and since then I have many messages from riot, including several RP purchase confirmation mail + the code for it as well . In addition I can provide every answer to your questions , as stated above I don't enjoy this game anymore I barely play it, switched to WoW so I have no interest in taking it back.


09/21/2015 15:21 david.gabor52#7
bump, 100 eu or spectral tiger on any eu realm - WoW
09/21/2015 15:31 MMYGOD#8
payment method?
09/21/2015 15:45 david.gabor52#9
paypal would be the best
09/21/2015 15:53 MMYGOD#10
good to know