11/27/2009 10:42 imax_pro#1
anybody knows if the gordon 1.2.6 still works on the new patch update???... if not..is there any other way to load it in??
11/27/2009 10:52 sarez#2
GCA 1.2.6 works on EU only. You can try to bypass anyway. Just wait for GCA 1.2.7 ;)
11/27/2009 12:49 dancecore#3
dont think that a gordon 1.2.7 comes out!
gordon stoped making hacks because all the noobs want to much.
ghostmode fly hack and more -.-
we only can pray and hope that gordon makes new hacks =)

*sry my english is not the best*^^
11/27/2009 16:49 Dude12345678910#4
Atleast u try to speak english
12/19/2009 05:52 ibikochui#5
I think that Gordon should make a 1.2.7 but leave out aimbot,ghost mode, and fly hack leave the rest. + If he dose this it will last longer and not get patched and when it dose get patched over the time from when it first came out he should have be making a bypass so when it did get patched he will be ready. And he should know that there is going to be some one out there will tell everyone about 1.2.7. So he should not get mad when it gets patched. And just be happy that so meany poeple love Gordon. And so meany poeple use gordon 1.2.7. That is what i think.
12/19/2009 08:39 xforcer#6
The new Gordon Hack is finished.
The reopening will be celebrated with a new release of my GCA hack series with pwnage hacks like antikick and teleport-kill.
Please be patient!
See you wait then can you download it on the new GCA site. Sry for my bad English.

mfg xforcer
12/19/2009 12:27 Devianone#7
Its not finished -.-.
12/19/2009 19:31 ibikochui#8
Well is it done if not plz some one tell me when it is or if it is and give link or tell where can download. Plz. Thankyou. =)