Challenger Euw Soloq answering ur questions

08/14/2018 14:08 Acid3w#886
Originally Posted by Ghost Flara View Post
I mean if you would be forced to play on normal mmr account in those ranks. I heard that many boosters recently have trouble climbing in lower elo because of coin-flip league changes. For example Dopa had 100% win ratio, but I'm curious how does it look for a long term playing. Is it even possible to carry 90%+ games if you're super good?
I mean coin-flip in leauge of legends is only possible, because people cant 1v9 games. If your rly good id say you be ready to carry 95%+ games until 4-5 divisions below your own.
08/14/2018 17:04 Wrath.league#887
how much % win ratio can get the best player from top challenger in lower elo(gold-plat) when playing hyper-carry champs?
In gold probably close to 100% but i mean its always possible that u get 4 super hardcore inters. In platin probably 90-100%. A friend of mine played a smurf recently to d5 with 100% winrate and hes not even super high challenger or smthn. So it requires a bit of luck that u dont get 4man afked but its possible.
08/19/2018 16:15 Wrath.league#888
Keep asking :)
08/22/2018 16:52 Wrath.league#889
have time for more questions :)
08/24/2018 20:27 JungIer#890
Might be time to change the title huh
08/26/2018 16:24 Wrath.league#891
Keep asking :)
08/27/2018 17:03 Tomi95#892
Is Vayne top good for carrying games 1v9 ? or maybe there's a better champ for that? (Kayle?)

Let's assume you have 4 trollers in your team.
08/27/2018 17:08 Eule#893
Originally Posted by Wrath.league View Post
if u have any kind of questions regarding the game/soloq/ranked 5s feel free to ask or even add me ingame.

Euw Server: Wrâth

Best regards, Wrath
Hello, do you have a good alternativ for electrocut ?
i play Vi.
Phase rush is a option . But idk ... ;D

Do you play vs Vi in Highelo?

Iam atm Gold 3 53% winrate
08/28/2018 17:54 Wrath.league#894
Is Vayne top good for carrying games 1v9 ? or maybe there's a better champ for that? (Kayle?)
Depends a bit on the elo and how well people can kite u. But in lower elo i would say darius/illaoi/jax/trynda. In higher elo it gets very very hard to rly 1v9 but maybe jax. Vayne is too squishy to survive 5 people and Kayle also often just gets ccd and then blown up when ur ult runs out.

Hello, do you have a good alternativ for electrocut ?
Ur goal is to kill people during ur combo so u need burst. I wouldnt take phase rush thats not good for our goal. The only other things i would take is dark harvest or maybe aftershock but its much lower dmg.

Do you play vs Vi in Highelo?
Not rly because the problem is that vi ult gets countered by alot of champs atm. Tahm, Morg, Ekko, Xayah etc etc too many champs can dodge it.
08/31/2018 18:39 Wrath.league#895
keep asking :)
09/04/2018 19:18 Wrath.league#896
have time for more questions
09/07/2018 13:51 Eule#897
Originally Posted by Wrath.league View Post
have time for more questions

Mastery key quesion for nunu

Predator , aftershock, grasp?

i feel very save on aftershock but i think predator is for competition good but no for Solo duo

what do you prefe?
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09/07/2018 18:55 Wrath.league#898
Predator , aftershock, grasp?
Imo u always want o get the most stats possible. If u have alot of hp aftershock gets more and more valuable. If u play heca sure ofc go predator u get more than the normal champ from it. But for nunu atm i think aftershock by far the best. At least in soloq where its about ur strength. If u play with 4 premades all on their mains fine go predator and setup ganks but in soloq i think aftershock wins more games. Thats what i would take at least.
09/09/2018 03:04 snafu#899
I often snowball in the early and try to push towers and take drakes with Taliyah. However, if my mates dont properly help with it I tend to win less. Is it true that Taliyah doesnt scale as well as others or do I need to look for other errors?
09/09/2018 19:13 Wrath.league#900
Is it true that Taliyah doesnt scale as well as others or do I need to look for other errors?
Yes taliyahs winrate goes down after minute 20. So the higher elo u are the better because games are shorter there on average. Im sure u can find other mistakes u are making aswell but taliyah does get weaker later. I prefer scaling champs in lower elo that can 1v2 1v3 etc then u dont rly have to make calls all the time and can still have a positive winrate.