Challenger Euw Soloq answering ur questions

08/31/2017 20:37 Wrath.league#751
Your opinion on L9?
I dont have a real opinion on l9 i dont rly meet them often.
09/02/2017 13:42 Wrath.league#752
Keep asking :)
09/04/2017 16:58 Wergez#753
Originally Posted by Wrath.league View Post
Keep asking :)
hey bud,

currently euw low masters 0-100 lp hard stuck. can you give me advice how to climb?

otping malz mostly, but generally a confident top laner. [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
09/04/2017 17:11 Wrath.league#754
currently euw low masters 0-100 lp hard stuck. can you give me advice how to climb?

The higher u get the more u have to focus on what u are good at. If i want to make challenger i pick 1 champ for example and dodge every autofill + terrible comps and or 4 teammates autofilled. That way u can most of the time still climb with a decent winrate. Also the higher u get the more objective focused i would play because unless u are still much better mechanically that pays off more :). like push out into herald then push out into bot tp for turret etc.
09/06/2017 12:12 Wrath.league#755
Have time for more questions :)
09/10/2017 14:04 Need1Link#756
I got a question, im a adc main and im Gold 3 right now, my Problem is that i farm good and im carrying 1v5 most Games Lategame but i actually never win my Lane any tipps on that, because i believe if i win my lane i will be able to carry games starting way erlier.
09/11/2017 01:58 JungIer#757
That clickbait. Should probably rename your thread in "Master Euw Soloq..." as you have not even been challenger for quite some time
09/11/2017 12:02 Wrath.league#758
I got a question, im a adc main and im Gold 3 right now, my Problem is that i farm good and im carrying 1v5 most Games Lategame but i actually never win my Lane any tipps on that, because i believe if i win my lane i will be able to carry games starting way erlier.
Well hard to tell without seeing what u do ingame but normally i would say: try to use every single auto that u can do on the creeps without losing massive hp so u never get pushed into turret and can use ur sustain all the time and can even maybe roam to mid or enemy jgl. Dont recall before pushing out otherwise u lose probably an entire wave which is half a kill. Use ur wars on cooldown and even buy pinks so u can safely do all of the above. But keep in mind not every adc is a lane winning adc with some adcs ur job is just to go even and u outscale them u dont even have to kill them to win.

That clickbait. Should probably rename your thread in "Master Euw Soloq..." as you have not even been challenger for quite some time
U need to improve ur sherlock skills i was actually challenger last week and currently 1 win away from chall. I dont think u even can change thread titles.
09/12/2017 17:11 Wrath.league#759
Keep asking :)
09/15/2017 14:39 Wrath.league#760
Have time for more questions
09/16/2017 23:38 ADCGOD#761
how to close games ? diamond 3 , except taking helad , sieging mid or fake nash or taking nash , when to use the strat 1-3-1 & when to group as 5 , i rly wanna learn how to close a game
09/17/2017 14:13 Wrath.league#762
how to close games ? diamond 3 , except taking helad , sieging mid or fake nash or taking nash , when to use the strat 1-3-1 & when to group as 5 , i rly wanna learn how to close a game
Depends completely on ur champ. If ur champ is like trynda i would 90% splitpush since u cant rly teamfight with it. If u play smthn like lb i would mostly create picks around baron into baron and if u play smthn like ori u can shove out and stick with ur team and siege. But its not always that clear ingame where every1 is on the same page etc. U cant rly force closing a game. Unless u are hyper ahead u always need a kill first then turret. Then kill again then drake etc. Easiest way is to wait for an outnumber situation because 1 or 2 enemies died or recalled etc then go for an objective. U only use 1 3 1 if u cant teamfight them e.g. u have talon zed etc and they have double tank cc and long range dmg. Fastest way to close games is just mostly focusing first on objectives then everything else. Everytime u can do one take it. No more kill chases no more recalls after winning a fight instead of getting a turret etc.
09/19/2017 13:46 Wrath.league#763
Keep asking :)
09/22/2017 14:29 supportsec#764
you did bam bam me lately in solo queue , and we had mad guy in the team

just out of curiosity , how would you place in order of crap -> good -> best , such as :
reksai , nidalee ,kayn ,khazix ,jarvan in terms of jungling ?
09/23/2017 08:23 Wrath.league#765
just out of curiosity , how would you place in order of crap -> good -> best , such as :
reksai , nidalee ,kayn ,khazix ,jarvan in terms of jungling ?

nidalee first since the buffs then jarvan over reksai since he doesnt drop off so hard then khazix who got worse in the shield meta and item nerfs and finally kayn who has shit winrates since the beginning imo. Who are u ingame btw?