Challenger Euw Soloq answering ur questions

03/29/2017 21:39 HHR LostProphet#631
What do you think about kayle in the current meta?
And what would you do as a kayle if you get in a very bad matchup with no chance of jungle pressure or lane swap?
03/31/2017 14:44 Wrath.league#632
What do you think about kayle in the current meta?
And what would you do as a kayle if you get in a very bad matchup with no chance of jungle pressure or lane swap?

Mhm Kayle will probably always have a positive winrate because of her sick scaling and possibility to go full dmg. Shes fine. U can probably have aruond 60% winrate with her since u will be strong every game but not super mega fed normally. Well u do the same thing as with other champs. U try to not push and farm under turret until u outscale the enemy.
04/07/2017 19:34 Wrath.league#633
Keep asking :)
04/07/2017 23:11 Nayunh#634
Is Aurelion Sol a good choice for low elo? I doubt it to be honest, still interesting
04/08/2017 12:27 Ayano Keiko#635
What do you think about Ivern in jungle?
Would you recommend him in low / medium / high elo?

And what about Veigar as a support?
Would you recommend him in low / medium / high elo?

Sorry for asking so much! >*-*<
04/10/2017 15:24 Wrath.league#636
Is Aurelion Sol a good choice for low elo?
Mhm he has a unique playstyle but if u play him often hes fine. Hes rly good at shoving and then roaming. So u can train that playstyle very well with him. His winrate is positive atm so i think hes fine to play.

What do you think about Ivern in jungle?
Would you recommend him in low / medium / high elo?

Super broken atm. He just does so much and u cant shut him down. U can play him wherever u want but in higher elo hes better i think since in low elo u can still get 20 kills very game and carry that way.

And what about Veigar as a support?
Would you recommend him in low / medium / high elo?

Mhm hes an ok support. I wouldnt pick him over the meta champs but if u main him u can probably make it work. Just like that elise challenger support in korea. I wouldnt recommend him in any elo but he probably works better in lower where people dont rly use the full strength of their champs anyways.
04/10/2017 22:27 Fallen4#637
who do you think that is the best top laner atm?
04/11/2017 15:12 Wrath.league#638
who do you think that is the best top laner atm?
I think Kled and Fiora are pretty good for soloq. Rumble is fine too but u have to like the playstyle. I dont think there is one best top laner atm u just have to choose one of the meta champs and train it alot.
04/12/2017 19:34 Wrath.league#639
Keep asking :)
04/13/2017 01:06 Fallen4#640
what do you think about tryndamere?
04/13/2017 02:23 Bananasplit1337#641
atm im stuck @ g4. im playing support & top atm. Should i swap the roles for adc/mid, since i want to climb higher and faster
04/13/2017 10:34 LopeHD#642
Originally Posted by Bananasplit1337 View Post
atm im stuck @ g4. im playing support & top atm. Should i swap the roles for adc/mid, since i want to climb higher and faster
Such dir einen guten ADC und spam Support / ADC DuoQ. Kannst meiner Meinung nach so am schnellsten climben, und würde dir nicht empfehlen deine Rolle zu wechseln nur weil du schneller climben willst. Hast du Spaß an Top / Support spiel es. Hast du mehr Spaß an Mid / Jungle / Adc spiel es ^^. Spiel das was dir am meisten Spaß macht, weil es später keinen Sinn macht immer die Rollen zu wechseln.
04/13/2017 17:22 Wrath.league#643
what do you think about tryndamere?
Hes ok until like rly high elo when people strat kiting him like crazy. I have alot of fun playing tryndamere but i havent found an effective way to play him yet. If u main him u can definitely play him.

atm im stuck @ g4. im playing support & top atm. Should i swap the roles for adc/mid, since i want to climb higher and faster
Well u roles are not the best to climb fast. Jgl and mid are the best. After that u should focus on 1 or 2 champs and play them all day to get all the little mistakes out of ur system. Then focus mostly on getting strong urself and u can easily achieve 60-70% winrate like that.

Keep asking :)
04/17/2017 14:13 Bananasplit1337#644
Originally Posted by LopeHD View Post
Such dir einen guten ADC und spam Support / ADC DuoQ. Kannst meiner Meinung nach so am schnellsten climben, und würde dir nicht empfehlen deine Rolle zu wechseln nur weil du schneller climben willst. Hast du Spaß an Top / Support spiel es. Hast du mehr Spaß an Mid / Jungle / Adc spiel es ^^. Spiel das was dir am meisten Spaß macht, weil es später keinen Sinn macht immer die Rollen zu wechseln.
Ich bin mehr solo unterwegs, da ich schon gefühlt mit jedem aus der FL in der selben Elo eine unstabile Winrate hab.
Für mich funzt SoloQ besser als DuoQ. Ich spiele seit S5 Support und merke, dass ich langsam gegen eine Wand renne(geht nur mir so).

Should i stick with 2-3 meta champs with high snowball potential?
04/17/2017 18:40 Wrath.league#645
Should i stick with 2-3 meta champs with high snowball potential?
They dont need snowball potential and i would stick to 1 champ and train that all day if u want the highest winrate. But usually champs that can get kills and farm are stronger than champs that dont have high chances of getting kills.