Gold 1 Plat 5

08/17/2015 21:04 ChawnX#1
Lf booster for Gold 65 to Plat 5 (30lp per win).

Only ppl with german VPN usage.

Cheapest and most trustful offer wins !

(champs playable Zed/Ahri/Darius/Morgana/Jinx)

Btw. High MMR (75% winrate/plat 2 -3 mmr)
08/17/2015 21:05 crankymodz#2
5€ hier :P
08/17/2015 21:09 Truma#3
Thats 5 wins, can do for 10€
08/17/2015 21:09 ReallyNiceGuy#4
8€, I am able to start right now.

Skype: helpful.man2
08/17/2015 21:10 Gamestore.#5
10euro PayPal
Skype - jeniadehtiar
08/17/2015 21:16 Easyboostservice#6
20€check out my thread
08/17/2015 23:02 N-Boosting#7
15 Euros ^^