UNVERIFIED Euw Account with Rare skins.

08/15/2015 16:10 .FAME.#1
Selling my very own LoL acc its lv 20 and owns 22 skins and 40 champs.

List of skins:
Infernal Alistar
Unchained Alistar
Panda Annie
Boom Boom Blitzcrank
Commando Garen
Nemesis Jax
Exiled Morgana
Blade Mistress Morgana
Nunu Bot
Headhunter Rengar
Queen of Diamonds Syndra
Armor of the Fifth Age Taric
Happy Elf Teemo
Rocket Girl Tristana
Sultan Tryndamere
Highland Tryndamere
The Magnificent Twisted Fate
Tango Twisted Fate
Dragonslayer Vayne
Arclight Vayne
Big Bad Warwick
Battlecast Xerath

Im gonna sell it very cheap.
Its unverfied!!
08/16/2015 20:10 .FAME.#2

Edit : 29 skins NOW more rares

Bump Going First if Trusted !
08/17/2015 20:43 .FAME.#3
UP 10e
08/20/2015 22:10 Reason#4
do you trade it for other accs?
08/20/2015 22:19 .FAME.#5
Yes i do just offer anything
08/21/2015 01:51 Steve o.O ✔#6
When was the last game played on the account?
08/21/2015 10:52 .FAME.#7
2 weeks ago !
08/22/2015 19:46 .FAME.#8
TRADING FOR RANDOM lv 30 account with kata

/Close Account is sold