loking for a decent not trash server

08/07/2015 09:39 applepie88#1
please stop posting trash server.... you guys just adding to those good developers like Menoz on reasons why they didnt want to make a new Boi server again. I really hate seeing this game just die, Im still looking forward to the day when someone as good as menoz to develope a new Boi private server.. Most of the servers now are just as good as trash or mostly is Pay to win. Set aside the drama and QQ of some players who dont know how to appreciate the good job developers are doing just to give us a good game are maybe the reasons why they didnt want to make a new decent one... that's why i really miss menoz, still waiting for a new good , balance and a decent server :((
08/07/2015 16:45 sheadylol#2
we all do, the waiting part xD =)
08/07/2015 19:50 mhallikhi#3
The wait will prob be eternal.....
08/07/2015 23:59 LeRaz0r#4
Someone should just setup a unique 1.8 server for old times sake. Even I would back that.

Also, the "reasons" you mentioned above.. There's only one reason and that is not being able to spare the extra time and effort required to maintain a server. That's why Oracle was closed to begin with.
08/08/2015 08:54 mhallikhi#5
Originally Posted by LeRaz0r View Post
Someone should just setup a unique 1.8 server for old times sake. Even I would back that.

Also, the "reasons" you mentioned above.. There's only one reason and that is not being able to spare the extra time and effort required to maintain a server. That's why Oracle was closed to begin with.
I prefer coding for 1.8 the files are easier to change. Sadly people really only want to play the "newer" updates.....plus I would need some actual user imput on what people would like added what they don't like and it may just be me but I honestly only want to make servers with "lower" exp rates x50+ is just boring as you level cap in no time at all....after testing on my own a bit for 1.8 at least i think x15-20 exp rates sre what i think are the best.