Diamond 5 account EUNE

07/15/2015 09:15 bforbestu#1
Need to sell my personal account.
Diamond 5.
Champs owned: 98
Skins owned: 39
Rune pages: 8 ( 8 different roles )
"Thanks for the information! I appreciate your cooperation and patience in working with us to verify your ownership to the account. Here’s the total amount you’ve spent on your account to date: 196EUR "
Need to mention that the account has 800 chat restricted games
Red Riding Annie
Riot Blitzcrank
Sheriff Caitlyn
Headhunter Caitlyn
Debonair Ezreal
Bandito Fiddlesticks
Fiddle Me Timbers
Surprise Party Fiddlesticks
Vandal Gragas
Jailbreak Graves
Dragon Slayer Jarvan
Firecracker Jinx
Grim Reaper Karthus
Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix
Acolyte Lee Sin
Dragon Fist Lee Sin
Muay Thai Lee Sin
Pool Party Lee Sin
Traditional Lee Sin
Ionia Master Yi
Dragon Knight Mordekaiser
Victorious Morgana
Warring Kingdoms Nidalee
Pharaoh Nidalee
TPA Nunu
Glacial Olaf
Myrmidon Pantheon
Full Metal Pantheon
Blacksmith Poppy
Freljord Rammus
Night Hunter Rengar
Royal Shaco
Pentakill Sona
Crimson Elite Talon
Super Teemo
Spirit Guard Udyr
Scorched Earth Xerath
Secret Agent Xin Zhao
Shockblade Zed

PRICE : 100 euro.
Skype: bbeesstt1