SpaceBattles never died | TESTERS Applications

07/06/2015 09:32 AngsthaseDO#16
Our teamspeak is down atm, hoster gets ddosed

#edit: teamspeak online
07/07/2015 12:55 AngsthaseDO#17
#still searching

08/18/2015 19:16 AngsthaseDO#18
SB is done. Ordepsousa decided to leave us for money, he is working with Diaz (Darkstars now) and Seriosdark. You can see [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] here, to get our Design.
08/18/2015 19:16 ItsTequila#19
Best regards, Shock

Working with this person was truly loss of time :)
08/18/2015 19:31 R1KK4²#20
Here we go.. more bullshit
08/18/2015 20:19 Scytex#21
Closed (as requested)