Cheap Katowice pins!

06/29/2015 00:04 Polekas42#1
Greetings, Mister!

I am selling these glorious Katowice 2015 pins!
Got much of them in stock, featuring:
Dust2 x2
Guardian x3
Victory x1
Nuke x2
Mirage x1
Inferno x3
Guardian Elite x1
And last but not least, 8 unpacked ones, which means i have some chances to get some other pins ^^

The prices:
Mil-spec (blue rarity) ones (Nuke, Tactics, Guardian, Train) - 20euros each.
Restricted (purple rarity) ones (Militia, Victory) - 25 euros each.
Classified (pink rarity) ones (Mirage, Inferno) - 30 euros each.
Covert (red rarity) ones (Dust2, Guardian Elite) - 45 euros each.

The prices definitely aren't firm and i'm willing to negotiate and might drop them off a little ^^

Accepting most of payment options: skins, keys, games, knives, real money.

However, I am NOT going first. Can give any needed proof to prove I am a legit seller.
06/29/2015 00:45 Heart4Gamer#2
proof pls that u are a legit seller please :)
06/29/2015 14:23 Polekas42#3
Originally Posted by Goku" View Post
proof pls that u are a legit seller please :)
Won't do it here, only in pm with interested buyers. Cuz it includes my adress and other personal stuff.