Rappelz Server/Client sourcecode

05/28/2015 22:07 StarfuckersINC#1

So basically what the title says, I'm selling the entire source code for rappelz, this includes client, server side, full database structures, source code to ALL rappelz tools, including but not limited to, JTool, QJTVLoader, QJTVMaker, Nx3Exporter etc. The source code is from december 2012.
Again, this is for FULL code, client and server and tools.

Payments will only be accepted via BTC, for anon reasons of course. I understand not trusting an account that was made today, but I like to be safe.
I have uploaded a .zip but it's a 7z archive (please extract with 7zip) with null byte files, but the directory structure to prove the existence of the files. There are no executable to open, so don't scream virus. You need knowledge of coding, I'm not here to help you with compile problems.

Mods/Admins can request additional verification, such as small code snippet etc.

Serious offers to be made here.

Also selling 4story source code @
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Also selling Dragons Prophet source code (but no section to post it in)
05/29/2015 17:26 gr4ph0s#2
0,1Btc for all the things :)
10/20/2015 00:20 Memiko#3
Add me skype - System4z
10/28/2015 11:06 udobotcu#4
someone tested/