Diamond V EUNE Account

05/24/2015 23:07 rossoneri666#1
rossoneri615 (SKYPE)

The Price: 35 Euro
Offer in thread or PM, Skype.

Hello guys, i want to end definitely with LoL so i am selling my main account, this account has a lot of skins, many champions and good runes. I am owner of this account and i never used scripts, hacks, drophacks etc. on this account. This account never got banned and chat restricted.

First, i want to show you all runes, champions and skins which have i got.

imgur . com/a/e0lwi

imgur . com/a/B2GfN

Midnight Ahri
Popstar Ahri
Stinger Akali
All-Star Akali
Unchained Alistar
Pharaoh Amumu
Sad Robot Amumu
Blackfrost Anivia
Red Riding Annie
Frostfire Annie
FrankenTibbers Annie
Panda Annie
Sweetheart Annie
Freljord Ashe
Elderwood Bard
Goalkeeper Blitzcrank
Riot Blitzcrank
Dragonslayer Braum
Resistance Caitlyn
Sheriff Caitlyn
Safari Caitlyn
Arctic Warfare Caitlyn
Jade Fang Cassiopeia
Desperado Cassiopeia
Mythic Cassiopeia
Gentleman Cho'Gath
Ice Toboggan Corki
Hot Rod Corki
Dragonwing Corki
Lunar Goddess Diana
Primetime Draven
Blood Moon Elise
Striker Ezreal
Frosted Ezreal
Pulsefire Ezreal
Bandito Fiddlesticks
Surprise Party Fiddlesticks
Dark Candy Fiddlesticks
Royal Guard Fiora
Night Raven Fiora
Fisherman Fizz
Tundra Fizz
Desert Trooper Garen
Dreadknight Garen
Dino Gnar
Vandal Gragas
Riot Graves
Hired Gun Graves
Arcade Hecarim
Blood Knight Hecarim
Piltover Customs Heimerdinger
Frostblade Irelia
Nightblade Irelia
Frost Queen Janna
Forecast Janna
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
Darkforge Jarvan IV
Full Metal Jayce
Mafia Jinx
Blood Moon Kalista
Harbinger Kassadin
Mercenary Katarina
Red Card Katarina
High Command Katarina
Sandstorm Katarina
Slay Belle Katarina
Battleborn Kayle
Viridian Kayle
Mecha Kha Zix
Guardian Of The Sands Kha Zix
Lion Dance Kog Maw
Wicked LeBlanc
Prestigious LeBlanc
Mistletoe LeBlanc
Ravenborn LeBlanc
Acolyte Lee Sin
Muay Thai Lee Sin
Pool Party Lee Sin
SKT T1 Lee Sin
Bloodstone Lissandra
Blade Queen Lissandra
Striker Lucian
Hired Gun Lucian
Winter Wonder Lulu
Wicked Lulu
Commando Lux
Obsidian Malphite
Shamrock Malphite
Festive Mai
Chosen Master Yi
Samurai Yi
Headhunter Yi
Arcade Miss Fortune
Victorious Morgana
Ghost Bride Morgana
Riot Nasus
Dreadknight Nasus
Pharaoh Nasus
Warring Kingdoms Nidalee
Headhunter Nidalee
Workshop Nunu
TPA Orianna
Rune Wars Renekton
Pool Party Renekton
Headhunter Rengar
Dragonblade Riven
Redeemed Riven
Rumble in the jungle
Dark Crystal Ryze
Zombie Ryze
Uncle Ryze
Tribal Ryze
Ironsale Shyvana
Darkflame Shyvana
Snow Day Singed
********* Singed
Mad Scientist Singed
Surfer Singed
Hextech Singed
Snowstorm Sivir
Bandit Sivir
Spectacular Sivir
Warrior Princess Sivir
Justicar Syndra
Crimson Elite Talon
Astronaut Teemo
Cottontail Teemo
Recon Teemo
Deep Terror Thresh
Championship Thresh
Rocket Girl Tristana
Riot Tristana
Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere
Highland Tryndamere
King Tryndamere
Jack of Hearths Twisted Fate
Vandal Twitch
Arctic Ops Varus
Arclight Varus
Heartseeker Vayne
Vindicator Vayne
Veigar Greybeard
Arclight Vel Koz
Battlecast Vel Koz
Neon Strike Vi
Feral Warwick
Tundra Hunter Warwick
Scorched Earth Xerath
Battlecast Xerath
High Noon Yasuo
Shockblade Zed
Wildfire Zyra

Account doesn't have free transfers to other regions.

I want yet to show you avatars:
imgur . com/a/HrjxO

In last season this account was in Diamond. I created this account in 2014.

I have everything what you need to recover this account (all answers to Riot Support ticket etc.)

I never shared this accounth with somebody.