Nice HS EU account 35 legendaries!

05/22/2015 13:59 Miodu#1
I would like to sell my hs account. I have been an original owner of that account since beta, and now I want to sell it.
-4779 Total wins
-1206 Arena Wins
Several times legend. Now rank 14 cos I am not playing anymore.
-All heroes lvl 60, except paladin he is lvl58
-Full Naxx
-1 wing of Blackrock
-1130 dust
-Golden rogue, warlock 485/500, shaman 251/500. paladin 68/500. priest 317/500, golden warrior. druid 485/500, mage 289/500, golden hunter
-cardbacks: pandaria, black temple, rainbow, fireside, legend, naxxramas, icecrown, pirates!. Hallow's end, goblins, gnomes, maraad, lunar new year, ragnaros, and cupcake
-Legendaries 35
Cenarius, Antonidas, Tirion, Fordragon, Velen, Edwin, Neptulon, Al'Akir, Jaraxxus. Malganis, Hellscream, Thalnos, Rivendare, Old Murk-Eye, Feugen, Stalagg, Harrison, Leeroy, Loatheb, Cairne, GOLDEN Gelbin, MAexxna, Sylvanas,
Black Knight, Toshley, Baron Geddon, Dr Boom, Kel'Thuzad, Ragnaros, Sneeds Old Shredder, Alexstrasza, Malygos, Onyxia, Ysera, Thaurissan
Lots of epics, almost all rare and commons.
Only money. Payment via Paypal.
Contact me via skype: miodu.kk
05/26/2015 14:48 mmoshop#2
price ?