Csgo skins for LoL accounr

05/19/2015 05:02 nb6#1
Hello everyone!
Im here to trade my account from League of legends for csgo skins!
My account have a big value, so this trade up will be risky...
I ll give you the details here... If you are interestes on trade, ill tell you all I have on her, and we can discuss the trade...
The trade up will be on my way, and how I want.. I know probably most lf you have afrai because we are talking in a big price, but we can do the trade belive me or not..
I dont ask to be fast, if you want trade we can do it, if you dont, I dont care... So dont even come here im post this for scamm or something like that...

Platinum Season 3
Diamond Season 4

Current rank : Platinum

101 champions
9 page runnes
2 ward skins ( tomb angel / victorious )
61 icons ( not the standart )

1- midnight ahri
2- unchained alistar
3- pharaoh amumu
4- almost prom king amumu
5- team spirit anivia
6- panda annie
7- riot blitzcrank
8- zombie brand
9- jade fang cassiopeia
10- jurassic cho gath
11- urfrider corki
12- dragonwing corki
13- lord darius
14- woad king darius
15- death blossom elise
16- victorious elise
17- pulsfire ezreal
18- union jack fidlesticks
19- dark candy fidlesticks
20- tundra fizz
21- fishermen fizz
22- hextech galio
23- dreadknight garen
24- rugged garen
25- oktoberfest gragas
26- riot graves
27- pool party graves
28- infiltrator irelia
29- nemesis jax
30- skt jax
31- debonair jayce
32- grim reaper karthus
33- harbinger kassadin
34- bilgewater katarina
35- mecha kha zix
36- lion dance kog maw
37- muay thai lee sin
38- steel legion lux
39- chosen master yi
40- dragon knight mordekaiser
41- ghost bride morgana
42- bewitching nidalee
43- frozen terror nocturne
44- haunting nocturne
45- bladecraft orianna
46- bilgerat rumble
47- surgeon shen
48- tpa shen
49- bloodstone taric
50- deep terror thresh
51- riot girl tristana
52- battlecast urgot
53- arlight varus
54- heartseeker vayne
55- white mage veigar
56- baron von veigar
57- superb villain veigar
58- blood lord vladimir
59- general wukong
60- shockblade zed
61- skt zed
62- pool party ziggs
63- victorious morgana
05/21/2015 20:27 nb6#2