Clash the Gems | 24/7 | NO ROOT | NO JAILBREAK | APK

05/09/2015 18:00 .simple'#1
Hey Guys,
CTG(Clash the Gems) is a private CoC Server,
you join with:
- 1 000 000 000 Gold
- 1 000 000 000 Elixir
- 1 000 000 000 Dark Elixir
- 1 000 000 000 Gems
... and much more Features

It doesn't require root!
To join just follow the instructions:
05/29/2015 22:14 LikeAhme#2
Ip ?
05/31/2015 07:40 bryansoldier#3
working ?
06/04/2015 13:09 Cyrre#4
06/04/2015 20:01 Acid#5