EU Account with RU WoD CD-KEY?

05/06/2015 12:55 rubza#1

i have a Battle Chest account activated, and wants to add Wod to the account, but i want the WoD cd key to be russian! Since the prices are much better,

Is it possible? or do i need an russian main account to activate a WoD cd key?
05/07/2015 02:23 Ipalot#2
Main Account has to be Russian for this to work. There are on rare occasions RU Gamecards and CD-Keys which do work on Standard EU Accounts as well. But those are hard to get, most of them get bought in bulk by Currency sellers.
05/07/2015 04:10 rubza#3
Already wanting to trade it for EU version/sell it :(
06/04/2015 23:44 DarthCezar#4
U need ru version?
07/07/2015 04:04 ŠNerminŠ#5
i guess it is