EUW Booster to dia1

04/21/2015 19:45 satantheonce1#1
Well my title says it all.. I am not able to get back to diamond 1 as well as I am tilting quite hard at the moment. thats why I look for a CHEAP! diamond 1 boost.

skype: "it4chi891"
04/21/2015 20:09 To pimp a butterfly#2
Uhm, what's your current division?
04/21/2015 20:18 tempnamekiller#3
I can do it.

Any more info?
04/21/2015 20:26 jotmajda#4
add me
04/21/2015 20:29 N-Boosting#5
I am able for job if you give me more information :)
My Skype: nightcoreshop
04/21/2015 20:41 Boosting Factory#6
Skype us to talk: boostingfactory
04/22/2015 10:47 darkness_15#7
add me !
04/22/2015 10:59 The Big Meech#8
I can do it as well :)
04/22/2015 14:10 ELO-rd. WhiteN#9