Steam Wallets / Cash 1:42

04/20/2015 01:58 Skully82#1
Hi guys..

as i need some more cs:go Skins for my slowly growing collection i'd like to buy some Steam Cash..

I'd pay 1:42 with e*gold.
(As long as you pay the taxes..)

As you guys can see.. there is enough e*gold available..
If you have any questions feel free to pm me..


04/27/2015 00:43 .sunriise'#2
So u need CS:GO Skins?
U know, theyre locked like 7 days, after buying ?..
04/27/2015 01:13 Skully82#3
Ye i know.. thats not a problem for me since i want some more for my personal collection.
(Not for trading or anything else)