Revive button question

11/05/2009 18:09 KraHen#1
From what I saw, I`ll need to send the 1017 packet to bring the button up, but I can`t figure how should I send it. If you could give me some directions that`d be great.

11/05/2009 18:39 © Haydz#2
Originally Posted by ElDeRnEcRo View Post
From what I saw, I`ll need to send the 1017 packet to bring the button up, but I can`t figure how should I send it. If you could give me some directions that`d be great.

Target.Entity.StatusFlag |= (StatusFlags.Dead | StatusFlags.Ghost);
BigUpdatePacket Update = new BigUpdatePacket(2, Target.Entity.UID);
Update[0] = UpdateInfo.Create(UpdateType.Mesh, Target.Entity.Mesh);
Update[1] = UpdateInfo.Create(UpdateType.RaiseFlag,(uint)Target.Entity.StatusFlag);
Basically, send the 1017(0x3F9) packet with the RaiseFlag ID(0x1A?) (StatusFlag), The `Dead` flag makes the revive button appear and `Ghost` prevents you from jumping/running.
Also update the mesh so you look like a ghost.
11/05/2009 20:07 KraHen#3
Ohh so you need both ghost and dead? I only did ghost :| Thanks, I`m going to test it now :D