[Free] FulcrumBot Concurrently levels multiple accounts to 30 and can farm IP

03/15/2015 13:35 riotpointsale#1
Try it out for free every Sunday! Just use Key: sunday

1 Lifetime Key (able to run one account at a time per key)
$10.00 USD per Key through PayPal
$9.00 USD per Key through BitCoin
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*The key(s) will be emailed to you within 5 minutes. Please check your junk folder.

Video Tutorial:
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Windows 7 or Windows 8.1
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2
*Be sure to tell your AntiVirus to allow all files. They may be detected as false positives due to the cryptography used.

Works in VMWare
Auto updates to latest FulcrumBot version
Multi-session support (1 session per key)
Level accounts from 1 to 30
Farms influence points
Leave buster compatible
Dodge timer compatible
Selects summoner spells
Buys items
Uses spells
Prioritizes objectives
Reconnect on disconnect

Multi-region support
Multi-game support (Co-op vs. AI or ARAM)
Stop after # hours
Resume after # hours
Hide League of Legends (Disables GPU Rendering, GPU still required)
FulcrumBot as TopMost window
Run Local Web Server (able to view accounts' information remotely using your IP)

Web Server Displayed Information:
Current Level
Total Influence Points
Total Riot Points
03/15/2015 14:58 sykstra#2
It seems that is not queueing as a group of 5s

I tried 20 bots:

Some are on a game with 1/2/3 normal people, one of them queued alone.
The first 5s queued together.

I don't know if its a good ideia to queue with normal people using smite/ignite and running into a lane to die (maybe I did something wrong too)

And keep up the good work btw!
03/15/2015 20:05 DarkWhale#3
Does it really work? Will the accounts be banned? Do I have to create my own accounts or is everything automatic?
03/15/2015 21:52 zoom70#4
Some feedback about the bot and curious people out there:

Just launched 1 bot and it successfully logged-in, joined a que and picked random champion. Bot Goes mid lane, but unfortunately its very unsafe, because its getting alot of turret damage... 6.30 min in the game and alredy 5 deaths. Oh and forgot to mention one thing that bot goes only mid lane.
03/15/2015 22:08 thebotexpress#5
Originally Posted by zoom70 View Post
Some feedback about the bot and curious people out there:

Just launched 1 bot and it successfully logged-in, joined a que and picked random champion. Bot Goes mid lane, but unfortunately its very unsafe, because its getting alot of turret damage... 6.30 min in the game and alredy 5 deaths. Oh and forgot to mention one thing that bot goes only mid lane.

It isn't supposed to win...it's just supposed to get your account to level 30.

That said, does it work? I thought you were limited in exp against bots in a 24 hour period.
03/16/2015 00:55 colinx187x#6
says theres a Trojan .....
03/16/2015 02:49 riotpointsale#7
Originally Posted by colinx187x View Post
says theres a Trojan .....
Those are false positives.
I use C# and C++ obfuscation to protect the source code.
03/16/2015 14:44 gohanjaja3#8
Troyan -.-
03/16/2015 15:07 kekservicecz#9
its not a trojan using it since the old ref system
03/17/2015 03:11 Akumashyriu#10
this bot play like a retard i prefer old bot play with custom games
03/20/2015 05:55 watchmedie420#11
how do i change the region
03/20/2015 06:01 thebotexpress#12
So when I lag out, it puts me in slow queue which basically kills this bot. Is there any way you can increase the wait timer in this case so that the bot can wait for the penalty times?
03/23/2015 20:38 †ţнε_Eternal_ℓéģéņđ†#13
guys why the bot just stay afk in base?
ps: i have followed all the steps.
03/25/2015 20:00 soner055#14
video plz '.'
03/25/2015 21:55 terrytried13#15
it's legit. i tried it a while ago with old build and then this build. i would use it but my computers cooler is trash. good job! btw the bots stand still most of the time but they move actively around the map here and there