Good WoW Account for Cheap / CS:Go Skins / Paypal

02/16/2015 12:38 The Slender Man#1
1. Server EU/US EU
2. What class? DK
3. How many 100 lvls? 1
4. Item level (ilvl) on main character (PVP / PVE)
5. Item level (ilvl) on other character
Not worth mentioning
6. Achievements 7485
7. Play time remeining?
UNTIL: 5.03.2015 14:26
8. How much gold on the account? 13k
9. Amounts of pets/mounts? 161/50
10. Any legendary (orange colour) items/mounts/pets?
11. 600+ Proffesions? Alchemist
12. Price 50€

SC2 HOTS, D3 ROS included
Hat and Pet from blizzard store

Post me offers :3
