L# Free Invites By Zyzz Local Support

01/09/2015 23:41 oprey#1
I'm offering free invitations for the website: joduska.me because i have alot of invites.

What's LeagueSharp?
LeagueSharp (abbreviated L#) is a tool for LeagueOfLegends which allows the user to inject assemblies or so called LoL scripts into the game.
LeagueSharp - League of Legends Hacks and Scripts offers League of Legends, LoL scripts, League of Legends cheats.

How can i get invited?
Hit me up with a private message and i will give you a invite! I have plenty of invites and im always online!

What are the requirements to get invited?
You have to be HQ member, by HQ member i mean that you must have some positive tbm at least 20-30 if you have that then hit me up and i will gladly give you a invite
01/10/2015 00:25 santosw#2
will buy an invite pm if interested.
01/10/2015 12:03 iphack#3
invite me I wan to look inside this stuff how it works goods stuff
01/10/2015 13:11 rlatmdcks#4
invite me
01/10/2015 15:21 Machinept#5
would like one, i pmed you
01/10/2015 16:00 Thesanji99#6
I pmed you would be nice if i get one invite :)
01/10/2015 22:14 jags2ooo#7
I have 7 invites
01/10/2015 23:50 termi-#8
hello my english is very bad but I have a question you could inviten me I'd be much thanks bar to play 4 bronze and do not come out of there would be a great help invite me ^^
01/11/2015 00:06 vnzolano94#9
What is a tbm?
01/11/2015 00:44 oprey#10
Still giving out invites, pm me for more
01/11/2015 01:48 Grl4ever#11
Invite me please
01/11/2015 02:37 kbla#12
Invite me ^^
01/12/2015 16:41 lincolnmaxwel#13
Hello..i'm interested =D
01/12/2015 16:59 gondal21994#14
I'm interrestet.
I know that I don't got the 20 tbm, but i got a few.
01/12/2015 17:15 scrap512#15
Selling League Sharp invites. 3 invites Left