WTS high end tera eu account / Red Lion Smolder included

12/29/2014 03:36 Cruelriver#1
This Account is an iLvl 186 Archer, iLvl 168 Berzerker and ILvl 166 Lancer. The Account got 8 Charakter Slots and more Bank Slots.

Special: Archer - Visionmaker 3,5 Weapon with Etching Carving 3 and 3 % MW. So the perfect weapon.
Visionmaker 3 Belt - 2 power and 6 crit rate rolled
Valkyrie Helm on Archer
Ghost Knight Helm on Archer
CoF Mount Smolder on Archer and Zerker!
+12 Crit silk underwear on Archer
Riding Skill Ember in the Inventar which you can sell if u dont want use it
All three masks of the Alliance ( so included crystalline mask)
Over 60 Abscess Hm clears for title hunters i was to lazy to get it
All masterglyphes on all chars

I will give you informations to the gold per skype if u are interested. I will also send you pictures on demand.

Gear:Visionmaker 3,5 Weapon +12 Etching 3 Carving
Visionmaker 2 Hands +12 Etching 2 Carving
Rift Hm armor +12
hand made Rift Hm Boots +12
Visionmaker 3 Belt
Deathwise Band
Firetrill Band
Firetrill Earring
Deathwise Hoop
Deathwise Necklace
Purifying Brooch +6, +6 and +4 crit rate

This archer got all masterglyphes.

Costumes: Ancient Collection Cuirass - it was 5000 fashion coupons ( 2000 coupons are still in inventar)
Dyeable Gangster Boss Suit
Gentlemenīs Dyeable Garb
Gold Bolero
Pirate Costume
Eleonsīs Blood and Cloud Cape
Kelsaik Mask

Weapon Skins:Angel Diamond Bow
Icegrip Bow
Hinged Ballista

Tawny Huntress
Lupus Argentum
Mythical frozen wolf

My Zerker got some nice costumes and weapon skins too. just ask me for it if u want to see it but the main char is the archer.

Skype name is Cruelriver for any questions and offers. Thank you for your time.