REFS remove wave/banwave over?

12/22/2014 15:55 CptStubborn#1
Is the wave over on EUW/EUNE? RAF2.0 is still up has anyone been stupid of buying after the wave (15-18th december etc)
12/22/2014 16:10 [-Dakos-]#2
they banned some accounts today ...
12/22/2014 16:58 CptStubborn#3
Of ur stock or ? more info pls =)
12/22/2014 19:59 €uronymous#4
Wut? There are banned accounts? Just heard of content removal lately..
12/22/2014 20:14 Incarnous#5
Originally Posted by €uronymous View Post
Wut? There are banned accounts? Just heard of content removal lately..
He probably means the bans from the referral system..
12/22/2014 22:04 rouwst4r#6
its a remove wave, they dont ban u for it. they took all my skins + 3,6k RP i had
12/22/2014 23:39 CptStubborn#7
I mean remove wave.. is it gone? anyone know
12/23/2014 01:01 €uronymous#8
No idea, but u could ask the support :bandit:
12/23/2014 01:05 .Enthaupter#9
That would be a nice support request :D

Hey Dear Support Golem

I heard your removing stuff from the RAF 2.0
Are you done with it? Cause I still have 3 account where I abused the RAF System and I still have all my stuff, so can I abuse the RAF System even more?
Thank you for your answere
12/24/2014 01:57 TazAcon#10
They sent me the remove mail a month ago, but the removed the RP&Skins last week.

Fun Fact:
They take Mistery Gifts, you sent to friends too.

Sorry for my bad english.