
12/07/2014 17:35 LostParadise23#1
I wonder what are the dbs that saves items of characters ..

I wonder what are the dbs that saves items of characters ..

already tried ..

12/07/2014 19:33 guesswho-.-#2
You sure you tried it? As far as I'm concerned user suit contains equipped items, user bag = inventory. I'm not on PC so I can't check the tables but I'm guessing this is how it works.
Here's some details about info column:item_info:
each of the info strings can be devided in to 3-byte sections as shown here
3C 68 0B 3C 68 62 3D 2D 46 3D F5 40
this is an item info string from a16 excluding branding
if you devide it to 3-bytes sections you'll get 4 subsections, coz its a divine noble item
each subsection can be divided into 2, 1 section of 2 bytes and 1 single byte, the two bytes = item option index, the second section = % between max and min value of the option
branding was simplified a lot. you can have 6 bytes max, for 3 stats, if you devide it into 3 sections, you'll get 2 bytes in each, first byte is the option index, and the second byte is the value.