Metin2 Client Bug DT

12/01/2014 21:42 mariosre#1
Hello mates! I am running a metin2 server just for experimental reasons and i am facing this problem (sometimes) with Demon Tower (DT). If someone could help me out with this i would be glad to hear :)

The Problem
As you can see everything turns black. Any advice accepted!
# Sorry for my bad english :D
12/04/2014 02:02 mariosre#2
Anyone guys? its still up!
12/04/2014 02:12 nostradame37#3
First you have to replace the Copyrights on your Bonus board.
Second your client dont load the textures third post yous client side syserror
when you have this problem.
12/04/2014 08:48 Repzx.#4
Check the Quest and the map best.

Pasta your syserr from Client...
12/06/2014 03:07 mariosre#5
This is the syseror of my client when the error apears. @Nostradame37 I just found that client from a server that is closed for years and i am using it for educational purposes not for publishing a server with that. Now what can i do for tha probblem? :/