DayZ SA Gift for cheap

11/22/2014 12:44 juazey#1
Hello, i'm selling DayZ SA gift to an account of your choice

Price : 19 euros Paypal

Skype : Juaze17
11/24/2014 00:48 boxman500#2
Will you take 16?
11/26/2014 12:58 juazey#3
11/26/2014 16:43 Raggii#4
11/30/2014 16:20 ZyCry#5
I wrote u in skype!
12/01/2014 15:36 juazey#6
12/07/2014 03:37 Sarryaz#7
Still avaible?
01/06/2015 13:19 juazey#8
Yes :)

I have 15 copies to sell
01/11/2015 23:13 cliiqq#9
contacted you
01/12/2015 21:51 juazey#10
Ok :)
01/13/2015 12:12 Horstiborst#11
contacted, pls answere me ;-)
02/04/2015 17:09 xsensatiion#12
Added you on skype
02/05/2015 17:47 domo3003#13
still got them ?
02/09/2015 15:05 hampan2#14
You still selling these?
02/09/2015 15:23 juazey#15
Yes :)