(EUW) Platinum V 41 Skins 97 Champions for CS GO Skins

11/13/2014 17:56 echites#1

I've been playing LoL since the end of season 2, I'm in for a new game. I want to trade my account for CS GO skins.
I've got 97 champions.

Legendary skins:
-Aether Wing Kayle
-Blood Lord Vladimir
-Eternum Nocturn
-Super Galaxy Rumble

Rare skins:
-Unchained Alistar
-Badger Teemo
-Head Mistress Fiora
-Victorious Morgana
-Dreadknight Garen

1350RP skins:
-Battlecast Vel'Koz
-Dragonslayer Pantheon
-Arcade Miss Fortune
-Soul Reaver Draven
-Full Metal Jayce

975RP skins:
-Urfrider Corki
-Bioforge Darius-
-Dino Gnar-
-Debonair Jayce
-Muay Thai Lee Sin
-Bloodstone Lissandra
-Hired Gun Lucian
-Ghostbride Morgana
-River Spirit Nami
-Headhunter Nidalee
-Night Hunter Rengar
-High Noon Twisted Fate
-Officer Vi

750RP Skins:
-SKTT1 Jax
-Fnatic Janna
-Goalkeeper Maokai

520RP Skins:
-Aristocrat Vayne
-Atlantean Fizz
-Bilgerat Rumble
-French Maid Nidalee
-Galactic Renekton
-King Tryndamere
-Mercenary Katarina
-Pre-Void Kassadin
-Sheriff Caitlyn
-Sherwood Forest Ashe

I was Silver in season 3.
It has a Platinum border from Solo Queue season 4 . It also has alot of summoner icons and 4 Rune pages.
It has 400 RP remaining and 5k IP
Leave your offer here with your Skype.
Account name: EchitesNL