Private Server

11/09/2014 09:56 gorgan21#1
Any new Private Server upcomming soon ?
Or any P server good at moment Aria to 1 side pvp.
Dont need to be all for free exp rate also not that much important if its a little bit higher as offi and leaf prices also not that nonsense overpriced its fine .
11/15/2014 00:27 Yourfunworld#2
Check out our thread, that we just posted.. I'm sure you will find interest in it. :)
11/20/2014 08:01 gorgan21#3
Runs pretty good so far i will test it out and give it a try :)
11/22/2014 07:20 gorgan21#4
server runs pretty good,no lag custom stuff,also custom npc for beginners good head start many potential this server has for sure.
hope more europe player will join it hehe.