Language code page or settings

11/02/2014 13:02 digitalfusion#1
Anyone tell me where is the language settings (especially code page settings) keep in metin2 client (or server)?
Root.epk or locale_xx.epk ? and which python file define this settings ?
I can't see item names properly in client.Especially "ı,ç,ş,ğ,ü" like chars.They seems corrupted (Some weird characters= @%&^#)
I set locale.cfg to 1254 tr. and set locale to tr but there is a hidden setting I think.
I m using locale_string.txt and locale.lua from TR game server.I can see sub messages correctly (like info messeges)
When I write item_proto db with Turkish chars names I can see them correctly
(I drop some items to ground and I see their names correct)
Probably its the Client side problem
Pls help.:(
11/05/2014 00:06 digitalfusion#2
Still waiting for help.Anyone know about language settings pls help.I changed every locale setting to tr but I cant see item names properly on client. :(
(in configs, in db, almost everywhere...)