WTT bower lvl 89 on hera for a lvl 85+ on sunsro

10/12/2009 18:24 Luba#1
bow 85+3 full blue critic 8 mag and phy attack +61%

set full blue
head 88+5

name Pikachuuuuuu check on rev6

i can't change the pw so...

thx for your answers :)
10/12/2009 20:18 eusner#2
lol i have 90 bower on SWsro but XD u cant change u pw.. mm xD
10/12/2009 20:54 Luba#3
yeah i know :s

i have 95 and 92 char on xian on never use my bow 89 on hera and i want play with friend on sunsro so ..

as u want

i'm not a scammer ;)

have fun