Any chance of...

10/14/2014 06:48 Xio.#16
Originally Posted by KraHen View Post
You seriously have too much free time on your hands. :D Post a video. :D
I will once my Minions fully work. They do not target Towers yet :)
10/15/2014 19:53 CrimsonFart#17
Seriously, if you played it well you could easily create 'donating' features. Create a PVP server where people only have super gear (no +'s, no sockets, no bless (just get bless out completely if you ask me)) and create tournaments in which they can gain certain points. Make it so that it's hard to gain these points. Setup a dontation page where they can buy cool accessoires and nobility and that kind of shit (note: BP is gone, nobility wouldn't do shit other than showing your 'richness')

TBH, you might be right about the 'nobody wants a PVP server' which is too bad. But a good PVP server could really do something I guess.

No this was not an advertisement.

Super Aids if you came here to start a fight please take your shit, read 'opinion', somewhere else and rub it on your face if all you want to do is bitch about whether Yuki is capable of coding well yes or no.
10/15/2014 23:27 Super Aids#18
Truth hurts.
11/25/2014 01:45 khongminhtuyen#19
Crimson, I feel like I've seen you in Aco. Im WaterReoo, you might have heard. Anywayz, seriously im hoping that a server like acid co will come back, cuz all theres trashy servers, theyre all gear freaks and "money talks" servers