100€ Steam Wallet 60€ Paypal

09/15/2014 16:59 Shavey#1
Servus Leute,

ich habe eine 100€ Steamguthabenkarte und verkaufe sie für 60€ Paypal.
Da ich neu in dem Forum bin, gebe ich nicht first. Ich bin allerdings bereit eine Kopie meines Personalausweises herauszugeben.

Schreibt mir eine PM falls Interesse besteht
09/15/2014 17:12 lokki123#2
Summary of my skype conversation with him, just so it saves all of you time:

-Wants/Expects you to go first
-Can show you "his" ID card while there is no solid proof that is actually HIS ID card.
-Doesn't want to use MM (he also doesn't trust them)

Good luck all! :D
09/15/2014 17:14 mr002#3
Originally Posted by lokki123 View Post
Summary of my skype conversation with him, just so it saves all of you time:

-Wants/Expects you to go first
-Can show you "his" ID card while there is no solid proof that is actually HIS ID card.
-Doesn't want to use MM (he also doesn't trust them)

Good luck all! :D
Same as with me.
09/15/2014 17:16 Shavey#4
I think it is my choice whether or not I give first. I am interested in reviews as well very little. I was often enough shit on the internet

Ich denke es ist meine Wahl ob ich first gebe oder nicht. Mich Interessieren Bewertungen da auch recht wenig. Ich wurde schon oft genug im Internet beschissen
09/15/2014 17:21 cɦʀiȿtαl#5
dann besorg dir einen mm oder lass es bleiben. :)
09/15/2014 17:45 lokki123#6
Originally Posted by Shavey View Post
I think it is my choice whether or not I give first. I am interested in reviews as well very little. I was often enough shit on the internet

Ich denke es ist meine Wahl ob ich first gebe oder nicht. Mich Interessieren Bewertungen da auch recht wenig. Ich wurde schon oft genug im Internet beschissen
Let this be a wise lesson for you.

When you want to trade succesfully on elitepvpers (buyer and seller end up happy) and you are a brand new user, like you are, the choices that will end up in a succesful trade are unfortunally limited for you. Going first is one of the choices that, unfortunally for you, is not included...
This is just the way it goes here on elitepvpers and if you are refusing to adapt to this certain way of trading, you have no business in trading here.
So my advice to you is;
-either leave elitepvpers and come back once you changed your mind
-change your mind right now and trade with a highly trusted middleman.

Have a good day.

EDIT:This basically applies for every new user.