Wanna trade EloboostSystem from me, for ur other unused/smurf account/accounts

09/15/2014 13:05 hey its Ayr#1
Hey,im newbie to that web guys,so let's start, I Wanna Provide My Eloboost (System)

For ur other unused smurf account,accounts Depends What Divison Should I Boost for ya,Im Diamond EUW Midlaner/Carry player, so if u wanna that ill boost ur ( Main Accounts) ur account must have at least 5-6 Marksmans~, and some Midlaners,I Accept All Offers, Ofc As I Newbie on this web, I Can provide 1-2 Games on Ur Account For Free!, To Show My Gameplay Style, you can catch me and talk,discuss about that all in skype - shinymew4ya , Ty!