Races Inversion

09/09/2014 16:15 ​Exo#16
Originally Posted by SnowStorm1 View Post
How are you going to have all this skills? Let's say you can't gain skill points for monsters and you get 2~5 skill points per level. Are you really going to waste them on weapon imbue if you're Warrior? The idea will require lots of modifications. So the magic can't use physical skill and the other way around.

Let me ask you one question. Full INT bow and full STR bow who is going to hit more with physical attack power?
Well i am just arranging my thoughts and listing what should be done first..
then i will simply modify all weps to have the same atk and gonna filter skills to have same dmg aswell like making spear in the power of wizard and wizard with the defense of spear etc