5 very good EUNE accounts (smurfs)

09/03/2014 00:27 sauvajohn#1
5 accounts for sale on Europe Nordic & East :

Thesee accounts have 3 rune pages (except the if told otherwise), medieval twitch, grey warwick, and most/all of the useful runes for the role they were used for.
The 5 accounts have a French summoner name, if that matters. Some of them have RP, some of them don't. All of them have a very high MMR on solo queue, with high win rates and a low amount of games.

Mid lane account: all the midlaners, all the champion bundles, 4 runes pages. Platinum 5 (23 wins 4 loss in solo queue).
Support account: all the supports, most of the useful runes for supporting. Gold 1 (22w 3l in solo queue) 8300 RP, 8000 IP
Top lane account: some champs mostly for top, 15k RP (!!) plat 3 (25w 7l in solo queue)
Adc account: all adcs, all adc runes, 5 rune pages 9k IP, 11400 RP (!!) Platinum 5 (20w 6l in solo queue)
Jungler account: some champions, most/all of the useful runes for jungling 12k RP (!!) 15k PI (!!) Gold 1 (20w 6l in solo queue)

Also, there is a gold 1 3v3 team with 10 wins 0 loss that will be offered if you buy several of those accounts

I can boost any of those accounts to the Elo you want if you pay for it ! Same for the 3v3 team.

Tell me your prices. The accounts can be sold separately, or grouped. Ask me if you want details on any account, there are 0 to 4 skins on each account I believe in addition to medievial twitch and grey ww.

Preferred payment by Paypal.