wtb boost platinum 5 to +++

08/15/2014 02:06 cctz#1

Eune : platinum v currently to plat ??????

i can pay 50 euro paysafecard, give me offers plat v to plat ??

ONLY trusted boosters please type in the post DO NOT PM ME.

thanks !
08/15/2014 02:09 TheGodRealm#2
can get you to plat 2.add my skype if youre interested:)
08/15/2014 02:15 komuher#3
d5 if u got 20+ lp if not p1
08/15/2014 02:15 Sacrety#4
plat 2
08/15/2014 02:19 cctz#5
i said not private messages, post here il ignore all private messages.
08/15/2014 02:29 GOD_Himself1#6
d1 player here

can boost u to plat 1
08/15/2014 02:43 SellingServices#7
Plat 1 with lp depends on lp gain.

my skype: andre.duarte200
08/15/2014 04:21 lolboostelo.net manager#8
08/15/2014 05:08 kanase#9
plat 1 :D add my skype
08/15/2014 05:22 Fendl#10
Plat 1
08/15/2014 06:10 AnthonyGP#11
Hey, I can get you to D5 easily. Fast and efficient service! Feel free to add me on Skype and we can talk more about it!

Scratch that, I can give you Diamond 3/4 for 50Euros! :) If you don't think i'm legit, we can hire a middle man! My Skype was posted above for you to add me if interested.
08/15/2014 06:55 Piraterij#12
08/15/2014 07:16 WeLikeIke#13
my friend recently moved to euw about 7 months ago and hes diamond 2. He used to be a booster in season 2 and i talked to him and he said he can get you to diamond 5. if you're interested i can pm you his skype
08/15/2014 07:55 HElSENBERG#14
plat 2