My 4.13 soloq tierlist!

08/06/2014 16:00 drainlol#1
1. Introduction

Hello , im drainlol , currently diamond 5 with a 18 game winstreak on euw. I've been playing since wukong patch , achieved 1500 elo in s2 , plat 3 on s3 and now im d4 and still climbing ^.^. This tierlist is my PERSONAL opinion and you're welcome to comment/share yours in the comment section.

God tier: Champions that are currently fotm and should be either firstpicked or banned.
Tier 1: Strong/Safepick champions that are great for soloque but below the level of god-tier.
Tier 2: Weaker champions that require a lot to be relevant.
Tier 3: Weak champions overall , but can be strong with deep champ knowledge

2. Tier list

God tier:
Mid: Kassadin , Talon , Syndra , Fizz
ADC: Trist , Kog *requires a lot of peels later*
Top: Gragas , Lulu *team-reliant* , Nidalee , Maokai
Jungle: Evelynn , Rengar , Lee sin *requires crazy mechanics*
Support: Morg , braum , thresh

Tier 1:
Mid: Orianna , Xerath , Akali *gets fkt by pinkwards* , Ahri , Ziggs
ADC: Corki *shits on god tier adcs early , but gets outscaled to oblivion* , Caityn , Lucian *the new vayne*
Top: Irelia , Jax , Renekton , Ryze , Trynd
Jungle:Elise , j4 , Nocturne , Vi
Support: Nami , Leona , New Sona hypetrain

Tier 2:
Mid: Twisted Fate , Jayce *really good against squishies* , Yasuo *maybe tier1 or god tier but requires a lot of practise and gameknowledge*
ADC: Vayne , Jinx , Graves , Twitch
Top: Fiora , Yasuo , Nasus
Jungle: Diana , Xin Zhao , WW , Wukong
Support: Zyra , Annie , Karma , Lulu

Tier 3:
Mid: Anivia , Katarina , Zed , Zilean
ADC: Sivir , Quinn , Draven *used to be freelo champ but now its not worth it considering how easy trist/cait are compared to draaaaaaaaaaaaaven*
Top: Darius , Jarvan , Riven , Jayce , Rengar
Jungle: Master Yi *its a lot more complex than it looks when he deletes ur team* , Shaco , Amumu , Nautibro
Support: Alistar , Janna , Fiddlesticks , Zilean

Garbage Tier:
Mid: Swain , Brand , Annie , Cass *unless ure scripting* , Lux
ADC: quinn sivir teemo , MF , etc etc....
Top: Khazix , Lee , Elise , Zac , Yada yada...
Jungle: Khazix , Udyr , Volibear *fk u trick* , Trynd , Jax
Support: Janna , Zilean *if you suck with both of them*

Actual God Tier:
Mid: AP Sion
Top: Poopy
Jungle: Malphite
ADC: Urgot
Support: Nidalee with no sightstone and only ap items

thx for reading summoners tl;dr shit tierlist by shit player with lots of free time
08/08/2014 18:55 skaterkid212#2
Elise is defiantly god tear :l Sona isnt even in the ballpark of leona and nami. Akali isnt tier 1, More so tier 2-3 because of how easy she is to shut down. Jinx probably tier 1. Annie isn't garbage mid, She's a great conterpick to alot of meta champions like yasuo (who should be god tear)Annie should be at least tier 2. Voli garbage tier jungle and udyr? Is this even a soloq tier list? Mf should be with sivir in tier 3. Lee sin top isn't garbage. Brand and lux are in the same pool as the champs in tier 3.
I'm also diamond, currently on na.
08/08/2014 19:10 AllippBooster#3
ty for this helped =)
08/08/2014 21:33 drainlol#4
Originally Posted by skaterkid212 View Post
Elise is defiantly god tear :l Sona isnt even in the ballpark of leona and nami. Akali isnt tier 1, More so tier 2-3 because of how easy she is to shut down. Jinx probably tier 1. Annie isn't garbage mid, She's a great conterpick to alot of meta champions like yasuo (who should be god tear)Annie should be at least tier 2. Voli garbage tier jungle and udyr? Is this even a soloq tier list? Mf should be with sivir in tier 3. Lee sin top isn't garbage. Brand and lux are in the same pool as the champs in tier 3.
I'm also diamond, currently on na.
on na , thats enough information thx xd
08/11/2014 15:25 MilJad#5
Try updating this for 4.14 based of the new patch notes on pbe to get ahead of everyone else :D
08/11/2014 23:58 ZesaBlack#6
vayne is always god tier. atleast IMHO :)
08/12/2014 10:01 Rustin Cohle#7
ITs a really good tier list.Good job:)
08/29/2014 19:28 profeloboosts#8
Gute Tierlist, würde nur Vayne auch in God packen :P
08/29/2014 21:01 escorted#9
Just kinda skimmed it but I agree with most of it.
09/04/2014 16:55 Beatfussel#10
Nicht Kassadin ......
09/04/2014 17:49 YordleTamer#11
Zed is quite good and gragas has passed his prime
09/04/2014 22:27 王八蛋#12
Riven tier 3 ? :D
09/04/2014 23:19 xnedjem#13
actual tier list:
1. go to lolking
2. open champion tab
3. sort by winrate
4. ???
5. profit
09/09/2014 15:55 gogosnus#14
imo Alistar Tier 2 n' Annie Tier 3 but rest same =)
10/09/2014 22:40 cannibal9#15
Not a bad tier list from what I can remember, my personal OMEGA GOD SUPER SAIYAN YOLO SWAG 420 Solo queue tier list is:

Mid: Yasuo
ADC: Lucian
Top: Maokai
Junge: Kha'zix
Support: Janna

(From my experience in Diamond League) :)