LoL account with legacy skins, all champs, ranked d5 solo

08/03/2014 15:08 sparksik#1
current server eune
gold s1, gold s2, plat s3, diam s4
11 rune pages + various runes
all champs

Frostfire Annie
Tango Twisted Fate
Winged Hussar Xin Zhao
Wicked LeBlanc
Judgement Kayle (unique)
Unchained Alistar (unique)
Tribal Ryze
Spectacular Sivir (legacy)
Recon Teemo
Grey Warwick (UNIQUE)
Firefighter Tristana (legacy)
Riot Girl Tristana
Candy Cane Miss Fortune (legacy + vintage treatment in loading screen)
Grungy Nunu
Highland Tryndamere (legacy)
Queen Ashe
Vandal Jax
Time Machine Zilean (legacy)
Tango Evelynn
Loch Ness Cho'Gath
Hextech Anivia
Pharaoh Amumu (legacy)
Chrome Rammus
Full Metal Rammus
Deep One Kassadin
Nightblade Irelia
Mr. Mundoverse (legacy)
Arcade Sona
Traditional Karma (legacy)
Victorious Janna (unique)
Spooky Gangplank
Emerald Taric (legacy)
Leprechaun Veigar
Northern Front Swain
Traditional Trundle (legacy)
Shamrock Malphite (legacy)
Definitely Not Blitzcrank (legacy + vintage treatment in loading screen)
Victorious Jarvan (unique)
Haunting Nocturne (legacy + vintage treatment in loading screen)
Gothic Orianna
Victorious Elise (unique)
Siren Cassiopeia
Acolyte Lee Sin
Leopard Nidalee (legacy)
Santa Gragas (legacy)
Nurse Akali
Sanguine Garen
Pulsefire Ezreal (legendary)
Myrmidon Pantheon
Perseus Pantheon
Pentakill Mordekaiser
Djinn Malzahar
Surgeon Shen
Monarch Kog'Maw
Fisherman Fizz
Headmistress Fiora (legacy)
Arcade Hecarim
Championship Thresh (unique)

further info on pw
08/08/2014 19:56 sparksik#2
do not trust this guy, he tried to steal my account
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08/23/2014 00:07 sparksik#3

08/24/2014 00:45 sparksik#4
08/26/2014 21:37 sparksik#5
08/28/2014 23:43 marv7#6
How much do you want for it?
09/07/2014 22:26 sparksik#7