Steam Account for a LoL acc or a elo boost

07/06/2014 01:27 Daniel58#1
The account has :

CS:GO11 euro - with not many skin weapons
Infestation Survivor Stories- 13 euro + stuff+ GC i think is more than 20 euro ( has some good weapons in the inventoy and military backpacks and some good stuff like GCs to keep looting )
Warframe ( mid good lvl and some stuff ) free game just good acc
Rust 19 Euro- worth atm Pretty nice game very new.

Im actually Plat 3 with 75lp if some1 wants to boost something for the acc.
07/06/2014 01:55 Dancing in the Dark#2
I have multiple PBE accounts. A bronze 1. and a few other accounts. add my skype please <3

07/06/2014 02:27 Daniel58#3
Still up atm :)